Saturday, September 28, 2013


Once again I got very lucky.......our young bird season has come to an end.  I was fortunate to have the first three birds on the Champion Young Bird list, and won the Average Speed category.  The Champion bird is a full brother to the hen that was the Champion Short and Middle distance bird during our Old Bird season.  I just have the Midwest Convention race yet to come, hoping to do well but it will be a challenge with lots of good birds and good flyers to compete with.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

2013 Young Bird Races

     Well, the time I've been waiting on has finally come.  Since way back in January when I put my Breeders together, this is the time I've been planning for.
     Our first club race was August 24th.  The weather was hot with a really strong tail wind.  I was concerned about the birds being blown past home into the heat of the day.  I chose six birds to go to the race......they all came how together and were the first six birds in the race.  The second race of the season heat again was a big factor with only a slight head wind.  This race wound up being a real the birds were released into very cloudy sky's and then they met rain.  All of the birds made it home but much slower than the 1550 yards per minute of the first race.